The Provincial Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother Eric John Rymer has been pleased to announce the following brethren to act as Provincial Grand Lodge officers for the year 2023/24. They will be invested at the Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting on the 10th June at Kings Heath Masonic Hall.
Deputy - ProvGM Paul Alan Yarnell, P.G.J.D.
Assistant - ProvGM Richard John Green, P.G.S.D. 1351
Senior Warden - Mervyn Charles Cummings, P.Prov.G.J.O. 47
Junior Warden - Mark Wainwright, P.Prov.G.S.D. 1136
Master Overseer - Mark Stephen Lodge, P.Prov.G.S.D. 1351
Senior Overseer - Josephus Adewale Davies, Prov.Dep.G.Chap. 667
Junior Overseer - Richard Christopher Field, P.Prov.G.S.D. 893
Chaplain - Justin Trevelyan Parker, G.Chap., Prov.G.Chap. 590
Treasurer - Simon Everard Humberstone, P.A.G.D.C., Prov.G.Treas. 977
Registrar - Robin Stanton, Prov.G.Reg. 893
Secretary - David John Hughes, P.Prov.G.J.W., Prov.Dep.G.Sec. 1623
Director of Ceremonies - Stuart James Cameron, P.Prov.G.J.W., Prov.G.D.C. 59
Almoner - James Frederick Peter (Jim) Mulligan, P.Prov.G.S.W., Prov.G.Alm. 59
Charity Steward - Mark John Winfield, P.G.Stwd., Prov.G.Ch.Stwd. 330
Inspector of Works - Anthony William (Tony) Moody, P.Prov.Dep.G.Chap. 590
Sword Bearer - Phil(ip) Albert Hill, Prov.G.J.D. 1135
Deputy Chaplain - Keith Howard Green, Prov.A.G.Chap. 1623
Deputy Secretary - Gary Vale, P.Prov.G.S.O., Prov.A.G.Sec. 667
Deputy DC - Martyn Peter Wilcox, P.Prov.G.J.D. 1260
Senior Deacon (1) Brian Reginald Chadd, Prov.G.S.D. 59
Senior Deacon (2) Andrew Milton, P.Prov.G.J.D. 1351
Junior Deacon (1) Edwin Anthony (Tony) Corfield, Prov.G.Std.B. 1260
Junior Deacon(2) Philip Alpheus (Phil) Ratcliffe, Prov.G.Stwd. 590
Assistant Chaplain - Mark Andrew Gunton 1623
Assistant Secretary - Michael Anthony (Mike) King, Prov.G.J.D. 1351
Assistant DC - Barry Benge, Prov.G.I.G. 59
Assistant DC - Paul Webber 59
Organist - Alexander Michael (Alex) Sinton, Prov.G.Org. 59
Standard Bearer - John William Evans, P.Prov.G.Stwd. 1136
Assistant Standard Bearer - Gareth James Thomas, Prov.A.G.St.B 1351
Inner Guard - Mark Anthony Charsley 1351
Steward (1) (Barrie)Stuart Rothero, Prov.G.Stwd. 747
Steward (2) Paul Howard Palmer 923
Steward (3) Brian Robert Harper 747
Steward (4) Ellis Salsby 923
Tyler - Sean Warner, P.G.St.B., Prov.G.Tyler 923
Information - Thomas Charles (Tom) Rumble 1260
IT and Webmaster - Neil John Ernest Crabbe, P.Prov.G.S.D. 923
Membership Clive - Frederick Howe 747
Grand Officer Liaison - Adrian Carl Hutt, P.G.S.D. 1135
Demonstration & Support Team
Mark John Winfield,P.G.Stwd.,Prov.G.Ch.Stwd. 330
Jeff William Whiteley, P.G.J.O. 923 John Herbert Vincent Moore, G.S.D. 1260