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People often have many questions about masonry and so if that's you then please ask away
General Questions
Is Masonry a secret?No. Information on masonry is easily found – there are millions of hits on Google alone. Within the masonic ritual, there are some things which are private and not divulged to non-masons, as with any organisation. There is nothing sinister about this. They are used to test a mason’s integrity and honour, as we promise not to divulge them.
What is the Mark Degree?Similarly to Craft Freemasonry, Mark Masonry conveys moral and ethical lessons using a ritualised allegory based around the building of King Solomon's Temple and the various Craftsmen employed, but the real message is the contemplation of human strength and weakness. The ceremonies of Mark Masonry require the candidate to undertake the role of a Fellowcraft, thus the degree is seen as an extension of the Fellowcraft Degree, and the philosophical lessons conveyed are appropriate to that stage in a candidate's Masonic development. The Mark degree is one of hope and encouragement. The ritual is built around a single verse from Psalm 118: "The stone which the builders refused is become the headstone of the corner".
How do I join the Mark Degree?In order to join the degree, you must first have passed through the three degrees of Craft Masonry, to become a Master Mason. Everyone who joins Freemasonry startsout in the Craft degree. Once you have qualified, just press the “Join” button on this website or ask within your own or another Craft Lodge of Masons to see if any Brother is already a member of the Mark Degree. I’m sure they would be glad to advise you and perhaps Propose you into a convenient Mark Lodge.
Is there an Initiation Ceremony?Yes, but in the Mark Degree it is called an Advancement. It is split into two parts, Mark Man and Mark Master Mason, but these are carried out in one combined Ceremony. The Ceremony being simply a story of operative Masons working in the construction of King Solomon's Temple
Where do Mark Masons meet?Mark Lodges meet at the same venues as Craft Lodges. Throughout the Province, there are masonic halls, covering the whole geographic area of the Province. In some Provinces, Lodges also meet in other venues, like hotels.
How many times does a Mark Lodge meet in a year?It varies – there are no set number of meetings in a year. However, mark Lodges tend to meet less often than Craft Lodges – typically 3 or 4 times a year.
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People often have many questions about masonry and so if that's you then please ask away
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