Brethren, now that we are meeting again, I’m looking to move forward with our drive to recruit more Craft Brethren into our Order.
At the June meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, we had a soft launch of the video entitled The Magic of the Mark and if you were in attendance, you will have also received a business card within you welcome pack which, on the reverse, has a QR code and when scanned, takes you to the video. Please share this with as many of your Craft friends as you can, as it is our duty to enlighten them into the workings of this wonderful and important degree in Free Masonry.
You will also have seen that on Tuesday 12th July, we have an Elevation in All Saints RAM Lodge and an Advancement in The Fairways Lodge of MMM on Wednesday 20th July.
Our future is dependent upon our efforts to encourage more Craft Brethren to join us. With the exception of The Installed Master and Commanders Lodges and the Provincial Director of Ceremonies and Almoners and Charity Stewards Lodges, we have 20 Mark Lodges where we can Advance new Mark members. It would be wonderful to see at least 20 new Brethren at our Provincial Grand Lodge meeting in June 2023 receiving their Mark Tokens from the Provincial Grand Master.
In the coming months, we will be working closely with Right Worshipful Brother Stephen Wyer and his Executive to promote Mark Masonry. RT W. Bro. Stephen is very enthusiastic about the Mark Degree and we certainly look forward to working closely with him and his team.
So, Brethren, what can you do to assist in this process?
Initially, please make contact and talk with those Craft Brethren who have shown an interest in our degree and please encourage them to take a look at our new Provincial Website. If you require any further copies of the business cards or copies of “The Fourth Regular Step”, please let me know and I will make the necessary arrangements to get them to you. If you have any other thoughts or comments concerning new Brethren or any issues around Recruitment, Retention and Reinvigoration, please let me know.
I wish you and your families a wonderful summer and I look forward to seeing you all in the new Mark Masonic year.
Sincerely and fraternally
W. Bro Paul Alan Yarnell.
Dep. P. G. M Worcestershire