The Grand Assembly took place at Freemasons Hall, Queen Street on Monday the 12th December.
Brethren from all over the world attended and more than 25 brethren from Worcestershire were there.
There were around 100 brethren who were to receive their RAM Grand Rank.
Worcestershire had nominated 2 brethren who had distinguished themselves with service to the Province, and our congratulations go to W.Bro George Stoddard Simpson and W.Bro John Bentley on their preferment.
One other member of Worcestershire, W.Bro Paul Rowlands also received his Grand Rank and had been nominated from Warwickshire.
The ceremony went very well and the brethren were duly invested with their Grand Ranks.

The Pro Grand Master, Very Worshipful Brother Prizeman however, had a surprise in store, he called upon W.Bro Justin Parker to rise and duly invested him with Grand Rank and for the first time in living memory, Justin was speechless! Congratulations Justin!
After the meeting was closed, we all retired to the festive board and a good time was had by all, meeting old friends and making new ones.
Thankfully the weather was kind and we all got home in plenty of time for a well earned cup of tea before bed, a thoroughly enjoyable day was had by all.